leisure club UBS winterthur

The “leisure club UBS winterthur” is an association that wants to promote community. Through shared experiences, such as a bowling trip or a meeting on the ski slopes, the members are able to get to know each other better and cultivate the camaraderie that you usually only encounter at work. The individual offers are very diverse, so that there is something for each person.
We are always open for new members, everyone is welcome!

Portrait of a member during the skiweekend
Picture with Alps in the background with a member in the foreground during the skiweekend
Picture of the president of the association during the skiweekend

Next Event


23/05/2024 0:00


Dauer: 1.5h

Mind. 8 Fahrer

Der Ablauf:

  • Ankunft/Begrüssung
  • Umziehen/Beziehen der Ausrüstung
  • Instruktion durch das Personal
  • Training 10 Minuten
  • Qualifying 10 Minuten
  • Rennen 15 Minuten mit Startaufstellung
  • Pokal- und Ranglistenübergabe
  • Während des Funraces haben Sie die komplette Piste für sich alleine